Christian Network

The Network of Christians In The Note Industry is an informal association of note brokers and investors who are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. It grew out of a breakfast fellowship meeting at the 1996 Paper Source National Convention and the group met for breakfast at each subsequent Paper Source Convention. The purpose of meeting together is to glorify God in our business and personal lives and to get to know other Christians who are in the same business.

There are no dues, no membership application, in fact there is no formal structure at all. The membership roster is kept in the Lamb´s Book of Life!

If you would like to meet other Christians in the note business, this is an easy way to do it. Here´s how it works: Once you sign up for the list, you can send to and receive messages from everyone else on the list. For example, you might write, “I´d like to meet anyone on this list who lives in Atlanta. Please e-mail me at xxxx.” Everyone on the list would get that message, and if anyone from Atlanta would like to respond, they can. Or you might write, “Has anybody had any experience selling notes to ABC Funding?” and you might get some answers. People also sometimes send inspirational messages, which are often a blessing (we don´t care if they aren´t “P.C.”, just as long as they are “B.C.” — “Biblically Correct”!)

You can try this out and see if you like it. If not, you can remove your name at any time. To get on the list, just sign up below. And may you “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” (Prov. 3:5,6).

P.S.  My tentmaking is The Paper Source, but my calling is and

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