John Schaub’s
Buying Houses in the Changing Market
Home Study Course
John Schaub is the leader in innovating new ways to make money with houses. This home study course will get you started buying at great prices and on good terms.
35 years of experience packed into six hours!
Topics covered include: developing your personal plan for getting started, buying the right house, avoiding pitfalls of creative financing, locating good deals and making offers that work, negotiation strategies that really work, buying and selling using lease options,borrowing from private investors, managing tenants, getting your first 10 houses free and clear.
Order now and get John’s latest book Building Wealth Buying Foreclosures FREE! (List price $29.95)
$151.00 includes shipping.
In this book John Schaub shows you how to buy properties at a great price and make the most profit possible. He shatters the negative image of buying foreclosures, showing that anyone in foreclosure has a problem—and by solving it for them, real estate investors are getting a prime deal while making the seller happy.
Get it FREE when you order the home study course Buying Houses in the Changing Market! Just $151.00 for both (free shipping).