Jack Shea is a highly-respected authority on note investing, options, tax-free exchanges, trusts and self-directed IRAs. He taught at the 2016 Paper Source Note Symposium (the videos are available here: https://cashflowprofitseminars.com/order-cashflow-profits-2016-videos )
Jack operates a 1031 exchange business as well as conducts classes on the details of tax-free sales and purchases. He also has written a book on Options and teaches seminars nationwide on Trusts, Options, Exchanges, IRAs and note investing. He has developed several unique strategies using trusts, options, exchanges and a hybrid IRA Checkbook Control Trust that can hold real estate, notes and other personal property. Watch his introductory video on “How to Option Notes and Personal Property” here: https://flipnerd.com/show/option-notes-personal-property/ And visit Jack’s website: http://jackshearealestate.com/