
Wall Street investment bank Goldman Sachs believes the Fed will do another round of quantitative easing. Goldman said there is a case to be made for the Fed to announce further easing at its next meeting in April, since that is just ahead of the expiration of the Operation Twist program. Later this week, attention …

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Short and brilliant

This is short and brilliant.   Milton Friedman Interview with Phil Donahue on Capitalism   It hits the nail right on the head as regards today’s political debate http://dauckster.posterous.com/a-31-year-old-video-clip-absolutely-worth-you

Buy Silver

Physical Silver Yes, Speculation No By Israel Friedman http://news.silverseek.com/TedButler/1153245360.php   (This very bullish opinion was written by silver enthusiast Israel Friedman, age 73, a friend and mentor to Theodore Butler. Mr. Friedman has owned and studied silver for 30 years.) I hope that the sell-off in the metals made you think about the way you perceive …

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“MERS Is Dead”

By L. Randall Wray, Professor of Economics and Research Director of the Center for Full Employment and Price Stability, University of Missouri–Kansas City United States Bankruptcy Judge Robert Grossman has ruled that MERS’s business practices are unlawful. He explicitly acknowledged that this ruling sets a precedent that has far-reaching implications for half of the mortgages in …

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Stepped Payments — The Most Useful Tool You’ve Never Heard Of

by Bill Broadbent, S.E.C. – CCIM If you are a note broker, note investor, real estate investor and/or real estate broker and you’re not using stepped payments, you’re missing out on one of the most useful tools in the mortgage marketplace. Hardly anyone knows about this — which puts you light-years ahead of your competition. …

Stepped Payments — The Most Useful Tool You’ve Never Heard Of Read More »

House votes to overturn Supreme Court decision on eminent domain

The House on Tuesday afternoon approved legislation that overturns a 2005 Supreme Court decision that affirmed the ability of states to take control of private property under the doctrine of eminent domain and hand it to another private developer. That decision, Kelo v. City of New London, led to sharp complaints in particular from Republicans, who …

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