Life expectancy across the U.S.
Interesting interactive map — what’s the life expectancy in your county and how did it change from 1987 – 2007?
Interesting interactive map — what’s the life expectancy in your county and how did it change from 1987 – 2007?
1. People do not care about you. They want to know what you can do for them. Don’t tell them in your ads how great you are, tell them the benefits they will get by working with you. 2. Repeat your message. Regular advertising takes 3-4 months to show results. 3. Create an outstanding headline …
10 Marketing Tips To Ramp Up Your Cash Flow Note Business Read More »
“I believe if we had & would keep our dirty, bloody, dollar-soaked fingers out of the business of these nations so full of depressed, exploited people, they will arrive at a solution of their own — & if unfortunately their revolution must be of the violent type because the ‘haves’ refuse to share with the …
From: Gary Subject: Selling Notes Message Body: Could you tell me if it is against the law to sell owner financed notes? They are bought and sold every day. Can the person who bought the property from you sue you for selling the note to someone else? Anybody can sue anybody for anything, but I’ve …
Is it against the law to sell owner-financed notes? Read More »
“The withholding feature of the income tax is a still more clear-cut instance of involuntary servitude. For as the intrepid Connecticut industrialist Vivien Kellems argued years ago, the employer is forced to expend time, labor, and money in the business of deducting and transmitting his employees’ taxes to the federal and state governments — yet …
Dear Bill, Your famed quote lives on. Check out the second paragraph: Jeff H. Thanks, Jeff. I hear that quoted on TV a lot whenever there’s a new congressional scandal, but I rarely get “credit.” That’s fine with me. My only regret is that I apologized! Bill
The Indiana Supreme Court has ruled that the people of Indiana have no right to resist unlawful entry from law enforcement into their homes. In a 3-2 decision, Justice Steven David writing the official response for the court stated if a police officer wants to enter a home for any or even for no reason, …
Indiana Supreme Court Rules Cops Can Enter Your House For Any Reason Read More »
Back in the days when the law still mattered & people were born with spines, the English parliament on this day in 1628 passed the Petition of Right. They were responding to Charles I’s illegal taxation. In 1626 Parliament refused to pass any new taxes for Charles’ Spanish war, & threatened to impeach his favorite, …
When the law still mattered & people were born with spines Read More »
A man who ran a defunct get-rich scheme agreed to settle a court order by paying the Federal Trade Commission $900,000 and surrendering the proceeds from the sale of his house and most of his personal property. The federal court judgment against John Stefanchik was obtained by the FTC in 2007 for blatantly false claims that his …
Just received this email from Dave Krunic, EVP of Reliant Financial, national note investor: Bill, just got back from Joplin, utter devastation in all directions fromground zero ( the hospital ) located all our payors … took a truck full ofbaby food and diapers over to the Joplin Y which has been converted tonursery / …
Cash Flow Investor Reports From Joplin, MO; How You Can Help Read More »
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