Where To Find Non-Performing Notes & Foreclosures

If you are looking for non-performing notes and foreclosures, here’s where to find them.

Five states in August 2016 accounted for about 35 percent of completed foreclosures nationally. These five states had the highest number of completed foreclosures in the 12 months ending in August:

Florida: 55,000
Texas: 27,000
Ohio: 23,000
California: 22,000
Georgia: 21,000

To find NON-PERFORMING NOTES & FORECLOSURES far below market value in California, Arizona and Nevada, click on the image below (or go to www.countyrecordsresearch.com)  Then click”5 Day Free Trial,” pick the counties you want to track, enter promo code PAPERSOURCE & get not 5, but 30 days FREE!



2 thoughts on “Where To Find Non-Performing Notes & Foreclosures”

  1. We have access to NPN’s in the state you have indicated. Please contact.

    Tony Bradshaw
    Marketing Manager
    Trust Deed Investments LLC.

    412 S. Western Ave.
    Sioux Falls, SD 57104

    Tel: 605-229-9795

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