Should You Broker Lotteries and Structured Settlements?

Should You Broker Lotteries and Structured Settlements?

You very likely will not be able to create a viable business brokering only structured settlements and lotteries. Every broker I know of, and that is a lot, depends upon real estate notes for the vast majority of their business. There are no courses because for the broker, unlike real estate notes, it is much less complicated because the investors want to do most of the work themselves. It is a matter of finding the lotteries and structured settlements and then contacting an investor, who will tell you what to do from there. You certainly don´t have to pay someone thousands of dollars to learn it. The mainstay of virtually all successful note brokers is real estate notes. Structured settlements, lotteries, annuities and other non-real estate paper can be a lucrative addition to brokering real estate notes. To learn more about brokering lotteries and structured settlements, go to THE CASH FLOW DOLLAR STORE “Cash Flow Niches” aisle (in the left margin, click “Training/Home Study” then “Cash Flow Dollar Store”or visit’

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