Do You Think You Own Your Property? Think Again.


By Franklin Sanders,

Sometimes laymen who study the law go nearly crazy to learn how crookedly law in the United States has been skewed away from common law rights. Take land ownership. Not a single one of you owns any land, however many titles and deeds you have, because in the US there’s no such thing as “allodial” title anymore. The state has usurped your right to own land, even though in some states (Arkansas & Indiana, as I remember) their constitutions abolish all but allodial title.

If you think you own land, just refuse to pay the land tax one year and see if the REAL owner doesn’t show up and take possession. What am I crabbing about? Simply this: there are NO property rights (save those the state finds it expedient to grant temporarily) if you do not indefeasibly hold the property, safe against all comers including the state. Eminent domain (where they take your house so some statist crony can build a shopping mall or pipeline or road) and property taxes kill property rights. The power to tax is the power to destroy, & thus the state has destroyed your right to own property. Through inheritance taxes and income taxes they can make sure, Mushrooms, that y’all never acquire an estate or property & keep you in your place. If you do, they’ll steal it from your heirs soon as they put you in a box.

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