The 20 R.E. Markets Dominating in August

Half of the 20 hottest housing markets in August were located in California. Vallejo, Calif., held on to its top spot in®’s “hot list” this month.® ranks the top 20 medium-to-large metro markets where homes are selling the fastest and where buyers are searching the most on®.  

Detroit also made a comeback this month, entering the top five for the first time since October 2013. New metros added to the list for August include Grand Rapids, Mich.; Oxnard, Calif.; and Nashville, Tenn.®’s 20 hottest housing markets in August are:

  1. Vallejo, Calif.
  2. San Jose, Calif.
  3. San Francisco
  4. Detroit
  5. Stockton, Calif.
  6. Kennewick, Wash.
  7. Fort Wayne, Ind.
  8. Columbus, Ohio
  9. San Diego
  10. Sacramento, Calif.
  11. Dallas
  12. Modesto, Calif.
  13. Waco, Texas
  14. Santa Rosa, Calif.
  15. Fresno, Calif.
  16. Grand Rapids, Mich.
  17. Colorado Springs, Colo.
  18. Denver
  19. Oxnard, Calif.
  20. Nashville, Tenn.
  21. READ MORE:

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