“All Presidents get their senior advisors from the Council on Foreign Relations, and have done so ever since 1929. First, there is Council on Foreign Relations Team A. Today, this designation is given to the CFR members who are in favor of the Federal Reserve System, are opposed to the gold standard, and are defenders of an aggressive foreign policy, the U.S. Navy’s fleet of aircraft carriers, the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency, and Obamacare.
“In opposition is CFR Team B. Today, this designation is given to the CFR members who are in favor of the Federal Reserve System, are opposed to the gold standard, and are defenders of an aggressive foreign policy, the U.S. Navy’s fleet of aircraft carriers, the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency, and a modified version of Romneycare, not yet revealed.” — Dr. Gary North
READ MORE: http://teapartyeconomist.com/2012/08/10/obamas-biggest-lie-or-is-he-this-naive/