How Asset Forfeiture Laws Can Destroy Your Investments — And Your Life

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Reagan)

Multimillionaire Donald Scott lost his life, because of a police plot to confiscate his 200 acre Malibu, California, estate for the US Park Service. The corrupt police claimed to have witnessed from overflying the estate marijuana plants on his land. An army of 30 armed agents invaded his home at night and shot him dead when he came from his bedroom to see what was happening. There were no marijuana plants on his estate. What in the world would a multimillionaire heir to a known fortune need to raise marijuana to sell for money? Yet the police got off with the murder.

Selena Washington, a black woman who understood that she could not purchase thousands of dollars of construction materials with which to repair her hurricane damaged home with a check, drove along I-95 in Florida with $19,000 in cash from the insurance settlement to pay for the materials that would be used to restore her home. She was stopped, searched without a warrant and her $19,000 was stolen by the police. After much stress, eventually she was able to recover $15,000 of the theft by agreeing that the police could keep $4,000.

Willie Jones, a black nurseryman, who understood that he had to pay cash to restock his nursery, made the mistake of using cash, a legitimate means of payment, to purchase an airline ticket. The brainwashed airline ticket agent notified police as a cash ticket purchase fits the profile of a drug dealer. Jones’ cash was confiscated, and his nursery was not restocked.

Thanks to the War on Drugs, innocent Americans are faced with asset forfeiture. There is a notorious section of an Interstate highway in Tennesses where various local police jurisdictions fight over who gets to stop out-of-state cars and rob them of their cash if it exceeds $100 on the grounds that the sum indicates the intent to either buy or sell drugs. In The Tyranny of Good Intentions, Lawrence Stratton and I provide many examples of innocent Americans losing their money, their properties, and even their lives to the asset forfiture rules of the War on Drugs.,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch



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