Before we get into this discussion let’s see if we can get an accurate

description of what a bailout is and what it is supposed to do.

The central government of a country finds it owes more money

than it has and must get enough funds to keep it from going bankrupt. It has

several options.

1. Earn it. That is something governments don’t know how to do.

2. Sell assets. Government buildings may be sold. The buildings were

bought with taxpayer money so this is another form of theft from taxpayers.

3. Land may be sold or leased. Mineral rights may be granted.

4. Borrow it. This they are all good at. They print a piece of paper. It is

very official looking and say they will give the money back at some time

in the future. They agree to give the bond buyer a small amount of

money every period of time called interest. Quarterly, semi-annually,

annually or they will sell the bond at a discount to the face amount.

5. They create (print) money that is needed. That dilutes the currency

then in circulation and causes what is called inflation. The more that is

printed the less the individual currency unit will buy. The public does not

realize that their purchasing power is being silently stolen.

6. Raise taxes.

We have to look at how or why the central government got into this mess.

Wars, welfare, political favors by politicians with no conscions.

Money that has been printed with no asset backing of gold or silver is fiat

currency. The U.S. “dollar” is fiat currency. There is no definition of what

a dollar is.

When the government borrows or prints initially it plans to repay. When

it cannot pay it merely borrows again or prints more. It finally gets to a point

where there is so much debt they know it cannot be repaid, but they keep

on borrowing and printing. they call these by fancy names, but they are


This is nothing new in history. Twenty years ago Japan went bankrupt, but

instead of letting the bond holders go broke they started borrowing. Each

borrow to pay the interest was a bailout, a band aid since it could not cure

the problem. It has happened 13 times over the past 21 years. Their citizens

have been buying bonds that have become worth less and less every year,

Greece has been kept afloat by never-ending borrowing. Their politicians

continue to borrow. They do not understand that the spending will eventually

have to stop as other countries are not going to put up with their madness

forever, Those loaning the money are equally stupid.

The U.S. has borrowed itself into a hole that is a combination of Japan and

Greece. The band aids in the form of loans, bailouts and fiat money printing

always come to a drastic end.

We have come too far to be able to repay. There are no band aids big enough.

Politicians will not fix it. There is no solution. Sorry.


Al Thomas’ new book, “If It Doesn’t Go Up, Don’t Buy It!”, 3rd edition, has
helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his
simple 2-step method. The method made 10% during 2008. Read the first
chapter at and discover why he is the
man that Wall Street does not want you to know.
Copyright 2011 Williamsburg Investment Co. All rights reserved.  Reprinted by permission.

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