UPDATED: CFPB head wants to hear from you on how to fix it — says it needs NO MORE MONEY!

It’s clearly a whole new world at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau with Mick Mulvaney in charge. 

On Jan. 17 he said the CFPB needs NO MORE MONEY.  When was the last time you heard a government official say that??!!

Now Mulvaney wants public comment on the bureau’s enforcement, supervision, rulemaking, market monitoring, and education activities.

These “Requests for Information” will “provide an opportunity for the public to submit feedback and suggest ways to improve outcomes for both consumers and covered entities.”

In layman’s terms, that basically means that the CFPB wants you to tell it whether or not the agency is working and what you’d do to make it better. Consider this your chance to finally tell the bureau what you really think of it and how it works.

HERE’S HOW TO DO IT:  http://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_rfi_enforcement-processes_022018.pdf

READ MORE:  http://realtormag.realtor.org/daily-news/2018/02/09/time-weigh-in-cfpb-enforcement



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