Foreclosure Length Drops For First Time Since 2007

View this chart of the U.S. to see your state’s average foreclosure time…

Properties in the third quarter took an average of 625 days to complete a foreclosure, down from 630 days a year ago. It was the first year-over-year decrease since ATTOM Solutions began tracking average foreclosure timelines in the first quarter of 2007.

Nineteen states saw their foreclosure timetables shorten from a year ago, led by Nevada (down 22 percent); Massachusetts (down 22 percent); Michigan (down 21 percent); Oregon (down 20 percent); and Texas (down 20 percent).

Meanwhile, the following states had the shortest foreclosure timelines, as of the third quarter: Virginia (196 days), New Hampshire (230 days), Texas (246 days), Minnesota (250 days), and Mississippi (253 days). All five of these states have non-judicial foreclosure processes.

View this chart of the U.S. to see your state’s average foreclosure timeline as of the third quarter:


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