There’s a lot of noise on the Internet when it comes to figuring out whether or not to form your limited liability company (LLC) as a Delaware LLC, or organize it in the state you call home.
I should know.
Over the past decade of living in California, I’ve operated multiple sole proprietorships. And at the exasperation of both my accountant and lawyer, I’ve also owned both a California and a Delaware LLC. (Whoops.) I’ve experienced first-hand the pros and cons of forming a Delaware LLC while living in California.
To make matters more confusing, tax professionals and attorneys from around the country advocate on both sides of the fence. Some say a Delaware LLC is the way to go, while others write it off as having only marginal (if any) benefits for some types of business owners.
I had no choice but to get to the bottom of this question. So I did a lot of research. I read the laws, flipped through the history books, and interviewed attorneys and tax professionals that work specifically with LLC owners.
And now, the resources you need to answer this question are inside this article. I also packed in a bunch of other things to think about as you’re deciding how to incorporate your business.