Here are the nation’s healthiest—and unhealthiest—housing markets

A few of the recession’s hardest-hit housing markets have suddenly some of the healthiest. Tampa, Florida, which lost thousands of homes to foreclosure in the past decade, now takes the title of the nation’s healthiest housing market, at least according to TenX, a real-estate auction and analytics company. It rated locations based on a number of key factors, including population and job growth, unemployment rate and wage growth, as well as industry-specific indicators like inventory and construction.

 “Floridais recovering very nicely from an economic standpoint,” said Rick Sharga, chief marketing officer at TenX. “We’ve seen unemployment numbers drop pretty dramatically there. We’ve seen job growth and wage growth stick for a few years now, and we’ve seen a very steady increase in both the sales of homes and home prices.”

Jacksonville, Florida, also made it into the Top 5, based on the same criteria. Las Vegas made a surprise appearance at No. 4 on the list. That city served as ground zero for the housing crash, clocking the highest foreclosure rate in the nation. Prices there are still about 20 percent below their peak of the housing boom, but that is only adding to the area’s allure.


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