Murphy’s Law In Politics

by G. Edward Griffin

The system that allows political corruption is built on a belief that the proper function of the state is to re-distribute wealth and treat different groups and classes of citizens differently, supposedly for the greater good. The name for that belief is collectivism. It is what allows con artists to move into government proclaiming they wish to serve mankind and bring about social justice. In most cases, however, what they really want is to be the elite who decide who gets what and who pays for it. Once in that position, they know there will be a never-ending line of people at their doors offering gifts, donations, no-risk investments, under-the-table payoffs, and pleasures galore in return for high-profit government contracts, tax loopholes, and legislative advantages over their competition.

This phenomenon is 100% predictable, and there is no way to stop it. It cannot be stopped by limiting the terms of elected officials, or by putting limits on the amount one person can donate to an official, or by preventing former officials from becoming lobbyists, or anything else that squirts water on the flames while ignoring the gas leak.

Collectivism is the gas leak. As long as we accept a political system built on the assumption that office holders will be honorable and that it is good that they should direct our lives, we shall forever be victims of the predator class.

The only way to stop thieves from going into public service is to have nothing there for them to steal….READ MORE:

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