The GOP Debate 9/7/11

Having been  involved in politics most of my life ( I take a keen interest in the subject.  And as a Texan, I get emails every day from people asking what I think of Rick Perry.  Here are some thought about last night’s debate:

RICK PERRY:  I like most of what he says.  Unfortunately,  his track record doesn’t always match his rhetoric.

He chided Ron Paul for briefly leaving the Republican Party in the 80s.  Ron said he did that to send the strongest message he could to the GOP that it wasn’t living up to Reagan’s ideals (which it wasn’t).

I wish he had also said, “Rick, at least I WAS a Republican then.  You were a life-long Democrat who opposed Ronald Reagan and supported his opponents…you even ran Al Gore’s campaign for president in Texas, and when Gore lost to Bush you found it politically convenient to switch parties.  So you’re the last person to lecture anyone about party loyalty.”

MITT ROMNEY:  Proved again he’s a Rockefeller Republican.  His time was 40 years ago.

RON PAUL:  The only candidate who should be president.  When Brian Williams asked if he wants to privatize air traffic control, he unfortunately didn’t point out that other advanced countries have privatized their air traffic control systems and that our system is technologically horribly backward by comparison.  The rap on him is that he’s “unelectable.”  I worked for Ronald Reagan and that was exactly what was thrown at him.  He won with one of the largest majorities in American history.

MICHELLE BACHMANN:  She is looking like her campaign:  tired.  Perry’s entrance into the race and Ed Rollins’ departure has apparently killed off her candidacy.  (I didn’t know until the debate last night that she had campaigned for Jimmy Carter!)

NEWT GINGRICH:  He can’t win by spending half time campaigning, half time shopping at Tiffany’s.  He was in Congress when I was there, and, although I never worked for him, his reputation was not a good one among staff.  And talk about personal baggage — he has a 747 full.  If he became a serious candidate, much less the nominee, his past would destroy him.

The other candidates don’t have a snowball’s chance at this point.

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