Pros and Cons of Self-Directed IRAs

A Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) allows alternative investments — such as notes and real estate — using your retirement savings. Here are some of the reasons why a SDIRA might be right for you — or not: Want to know more?  See  and

“Negative” Interest Rates — UK Today, US Tomorrow?

The UK banking giant Natwest has become the first British bank to warn business customers it may charge them negative interest rates on money held in current accounts. Following the lead of banks in Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland and Japan, the bank has signalled its intention to force account holders to pay to hold their money. READ MORE: “‘Negative …

“Negative” Interest Rates — UK Today, US Tomorrow? Read More »

Foreclosing On A Rental? Better Read This

You need to be aware of the protections that federal law provides to renters during foreclosure. Even with inventories down, there are plenty of foreclosed properties awaiting sale. While the problems associated with property vacancies and blight have gotten much attention during the housing crisis and recovery, about 20 percent of foreclosed properties are occupied …

Foreclosing On A Rental? Better Read This Read More »

The Best States for Homeowners

SmartAsset ranked all 50 states based on factors including foreclosure rates, burglary rates and property tax rates. They also looked at the median listing price per square foot, the annual change in home prices (per square foot), home affordability and the annual cost of property taxes and homeowners insurance.  READ MORE:

What Does Christianity Have To Do With Investing?

by Franklin Sanders Fundamental problem is that most American Christians think in hermetically sealed compartments. There is God’s pigeonhole and the world’s pigeonhole, and never the twain shall meet. In their minds they have nothing to do with each other and never touch. The missing bridge between Christianity and the world—including investing—is ethics, the application …

What Does Christianity Have To Do With Investing? Read More »

More Attacks On Land Contracts

“Seller-financed property purchases are ‘predatory’” — And this financial columnist thinks all seller financing involves land contracts:  “the protections offered by the mortgage foreclosure process don’t apply to seller-financed properties, which are also called “land contracts.”  What an ignorant statement!  READ MORE:

The Pros and Cons of Low Mortgage Rates

“A look at the pros and cons of this recent drop in mortgage rates shows that they may not be as unambiguously beneficial to the housing market as previous low rates have been.”  READ MORE:  

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